Ever since I went to a County Dentention Facility (aka jail) for about 3 days in 2015, I've had this weird interest in watching shows like Locked Up. I'm a mother of 1 baby who was born May 2016. I had never been arrested before, but since I was a kid I've stolen little things even food when my parents said no so it was inevitable that one day I would get caught. I've never stolen anything big but what I got arrested for was shop lifting at Walmart. I was put on probation which cost me over $1000 with class costs. I still have urges to this day but am really good at squashing them.
I've been thinking about lately that one day I feel it's right I should talk to my child about this part of my life. I know that's a long way off, but it certainly weighs on my mind. has anyone here been in the same situation and if so how did you have the talk about that part of your life with your child? I want to be able to use it as a teaching situation.