About to have my second baby when my first baby is still only 16 months old. Starting to get nervous because my son still wakes in the night sometimes. I usually give him milk, change his diaper and put him back to bed. I'm nervous because once I'm post-partum I'm going to be trying to heal down there and I feel like it's going to be hard for me to even lift my son. How long until you can lift 25 lbs? Any moms they have an infant and a toddler can u give me some encouragement?

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I'm nervous too. I have 2 step kids that are 3 and 5. my son will be 2 in feb. I'm due may 2. I became a new mom in feb 2015, and by March 2015 I moved in with my boyfriend, now fiance, and became a step mom. it was HARD. but i figured it out quick. lots of patience. never schedule, or plan, but come up with a routine.
05.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
I'm pregnant with my 3rd. My oldest is 3, and the 2nd is having his first birthday next week! I'm worried as well as my 1 year old still wakes up at night, more then once a night. They say take it as easy as you can for the first 6 weeks. Good luck!
05.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
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