Colleen Bollar
Colleen Bollar
So I have a question. My LO is 9 months old and has been constipated for 2 days which is unlike her. Well she finally went with no prunes laxatives all on her own my pediatrician said it's normal for breastfeed babies to skip a day. Well in a 20 min time span she went three times progressively runnier and runnier that she leaked all out. She has no fever and seems to be her usual self but it seems to be a bit much should I call her pediatrician. It has since subsided she's drinking breastmilk normally.

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@raehow, oh my goodness yes she's getting her 6th tooth on. She's teething so bad she tore her gum and had to see a pediatric dentist this month. I didn't take that into consideration I didn't know it could cause that. Do you know could it become a symptom 6 teeth into teething? Thanks!
30.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
Is she teething? My son has really runny diapers when he's teething from all the extra saliva he's swallowing
30.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
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