is it really possible for my 6 week old to be teething ALREADY?! hes been drooling a lot, he chews on his hands and nipples of his bottles, he's been extra fussy and has barely been sleeping. is this teething or something else?
a girl I work with said to give him a little bit of infants Tylenol and some nighttime orajel to help him sleep. but isnt he too young for both of those? would it hurt to give him a tiny bit of both?

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You're fine girl! I personally wouldn't. Wet a wash cloth and put it in the freezer until it's like half way frozen and let him chew on it; we got those Carter's toys that have the crunchy sound in the ears and hands (there's like a monkey and elephant that we have) and let him chew on it. You can always check his gums, if there's two little rice shape things on his gums, then those are teeth. 😊with my son how we know it's a growth spurt is he's clingy, fussy, tired but he only wants to be in our arms while he sleeps and his appetite will increase. Our pedi told us when he does (which he is now) start teething to just give him tons of stuff to chew on and if he gets a little fever from it (which may or may not happen, my son hasn't gotten one from it) or if he gets too uncomfortable to give him .25 ml Tylenol every 6 hours based on his weight at the time which was 12 lbs. we just have a bib on his all day and make sure he has stuff to chew on until they break through
12.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
@heyycodyyy so I can't give him any orajel? is there anything I can give him if he is teething? how do I know if it's just a growth spurt? sorry for all the questions.. lol
12.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
Orajel is for 4 mos up. However he might be hitting a growth spurt or he's finding his hands. My son started doing that around 5/6 wks and started teething at 2.5 months and now at 4, his bottom teeth are starting to push through. It's possible but it's like crazy early (though some babies are born with milk teeth)
12.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
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