i smoked through all 4 pregnancies, my earliest baby was born at 37 weeks so, still full term. 2 babies were 6 pounds 7 ounces. Another was 6 pounds 9 ounces, and my other was 8 pounds 5 ounces. I still smoke, but no one can smoke in the house or car.
I slowed down then quit at around 10 wks. what motivated me was researching what happens in the womb and also most ultrasounds showed the baby's hands in their face the whole time in the womb of a smoking mother. I still crave all the time but I think bout my baby girl n im glad i quit
hmm yeah I would ask your doc about the patch I use it you have to pic a day you want to quit do not zmoke instead put the patch on and let it do its work
is it your home... If so put your foot down tell everybody if you're going to smoke smoke outside don't smoke around me if that doesn't work my doctor put me on the patch seems to work pretty well once in awhile I'll sneak one but the patch pretty much does it for me
same here @caseyann19 but my doctor also told me that it's better to smoke one instead of putting yourself through the stress and withdrawals just limit yourself but i just still want to quit and @ltsdiaries it's starting to make me sick too
@nikjax53, I've been smoking the whole time. I was smoking menthol but I switched to lights when I found out. I had every intention on quitting but literally everybody that I am around are also smokers. My mom smoked with me and my brother and my aunt smoked with her two kids and we all turned out fine but it still makes me feel bad every time I light one up. 😐