hi ladies.. my little boy is 6 weeks old now and I've been expressing constantly plus feeding him myself in a morning. but i also have a little girl who is 17 months old and feeding the baby plus expressing about 6 times a day which takes about an hour each time sometimes longer and is taking up so much of my time and I'm not able to give my little girl the attention she needs when she needs it because of this. I feel really bad.and battling with my conscious and my anxiety is kicking off because I can't make up my mind whether to stop expressing or not. I want to carry on because it's better for my boy. but it would be a lot less stressful if I wasn't and I would have more time to do things and not be restricted. and I don't know what to do.. and if I did stop how long would it take for my milk to stop because if I leave it longer than 6 hours like I do at night they are like bricks and so painful.. any advice would be appreciated thank you. xx

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Do what u need to Hun. Was easy to bf when I just had one but with 3 still at home plus baby I had to start combination feeding as I couldn't cope with a very hungry baby plus the others she was feeding every 3/4 hour for up to 1.5 hour stretches at night.
02.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
thank you @beck_yemm i just can't get over the guilt of it. Having to express stops me doing a lot of things or going places. I've not been out apart from once since baby has been born. I felt guilty at 7 months stopping for my little girl but at least she had 7 months of it. think I will try to reduce how much I express and hope it dries up. xx
02.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
not selfish at all do what works best for you xx at 17 months your daughter is still a baby to so she won't know how to deal with it if she wants you xxx like @winterbaby95 said happy mummy happy babies xxx
02.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
thank you ladies @suzie80 @winterbaby95 i just feel awful and guilty for not carrying on. but i need to feel less stressed and have more time for my little girl too. a few people I know have just said your little girl will have to learn to deal with it and not having your attention when she wants or needs it. but i can't stand the thought of not giving her what she needs or thinking I favour the baby more. do you think I'm selfish stopping? honestly please xx
02.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
Slowly reduce by not expressing and only feeding and drop a feed at a time it will go down. My girls been in hospital a week and my milk has dropped a lot by only expressing a few times a day then onlu@feeding a few times
02.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
A happy mummy...a happy baby hun xxx
02.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
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