Possible TMI but I'm going crazy. I don't know if I could still be pregnant. A few days after AF went away( which is normally 5-7) I had unprotected sex on 10/24 and then a few days later I had brown and pink spotting for about a day. This whole time I'm getting nausea, sore breasts and nipples(which I never get coming up to AF) light headedness, and everything I ate or drank made me sick. Then on 11/18 I started spotting light pink. The next day I got a light flow and passed a couple clots( I know TMI,sorry) then the next day it got just a little bit heavier but it was still light for me and all the while I'm still having the same symptoms. I woke up the next day to find that I had started back spotting lihht pink all that day and the next then nothing. I'm going crazy over here. Has anyone had this happen and still been pregnant and jad a healthy baby?