anyone else had a baby who was lactose intolerant and had to use soy formula?
how did you know?
I think I might have to switch my sons formula because he stays gassy all the time no matter what I do & he throws up uncontrollably. it's like he spits everything back up as soon as he finishes eating.
at his 2 week check up his pedi said to start giving him 3 oz because he was eating 2 oz literally every hour on the hour. that's also when I started getting formula for him on wic. well I did that but he started throwing up a lot, so I called his pedi and she said to start making 2-2.5 oz again and see if that helps, but it hasn't. he's been very fussy the past couple of weeks and I'm like 99.99999% sure it's because he's so gassy from this stupid formula. I feel so bad for my baby boy... so if anyone has any advice/input or anything please share!