anyone else had a baby who was lactose intolerant and had to use soy formula?
how did you know?
I think I might have to switch my sons formula because he stays gassy all the time no matter what I do & he throws up uncontrollably. it's like he spits everything back up as soon as he finishes eating.
at his 2 week check up his pedi said to start giving him 3 oz because he was eating 2 oz literally every hour on the hour. that's also when I started getting formula for him on wic. well I did that but he started throwing up a lot, so I called his pedi and she said to start making 2-2.5 oz again and see if that helps, but it hasn't. he's been very fussy the past couple of weeks and I'm like 99.99999% sure it's because he's so gassy from this stupid formula. I feel so bad for my baby boy... so if anyone has any advice/input or anything please share!

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Yeah it may be different for your state. I'd call just to be sure since mine wouldn't give me voucher in place of cans. They replaced the vouchers for other vouchers but not the cans themselves since they can't do anything with them. But you shouldn't need a script for soy, you would for the hypoallergenic kind.
28.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
@jacesterlingsmommy, my SIL said I take whatever cans I have left up to the wic office and my vouches and they will give me a voucher for the remaining cans and replace the next month's. maybe it's just different in every state? but good idea, it would be smarter to try out a can first before changing everything!
27.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
they can test his poop for u and then tell you for sure if thats whats wrong with baby then they will give you a prescription to give to wic ....... they did that to my baby boy i geuss he was cow milk allergy toward enfamil formula now he has the "Nutramigen " kinde ......
27.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
you shouldn't need a prescription for soy formula, I didnt but I hope it helps! I tried so many formulas before sticking with soy. Honestly I'd try a can out first before you switch it all with wic and may need to switch to something else. It's a pain plus if you get the formula with wic you can't exchange it for different coupons if you've already used them and formula isn't used for that month. You're just out for those cans, learned that the hard way and donate to a pantry.
27.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
@jacesterlingsmommy, I'm gonna call his pedi to set up an appointment and see if she can write the prescription for me for wic to change his formula to soy. hopefully soy formula will help him!
27.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
every wic state has different formula, I get Enfamil @josiahsmommy91815
27.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
My son has prescribed meds for his acid reflux and has been on them and soy formula since he was 1 month old. My pedi said if you have trouble at feedings more than half the time to try soy for 3 days. My son was a different baby almost instantly.
27.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
My WIC office still gives similar sensitive
27.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
@josiahsmommy91815, that's what I was getting for my son, but then I put him on wic so I get Gerber soothe for him, which is the same as the sensitive. when we were in the hospital they were giving him the similac in the blue can and he wouldn't drink barely an ounce, and anything he did drink he spit back up. idk what to do 😞
27.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
Sounds like what my son had it's acid reflux and it's hard for there stomach to digest regular formula , get them to switch to similac sensitive it helped my son tremendously
27.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mazeyy09, he doesn't really seem to have any problems pooping, but he does only poop once a day, his pedi said that was normal though? I've tried everything to help him with his gas. I've given him gas drops every time after I feed him, I've tried gripe water, burping him after every ounce he drinks... nothing seems to work.
27.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
@stashinavy, is there anything I can get if it is acid reflux?
27.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
My son was gassy when we first put him on regular formula. He would struggle pooping but I didn't know what was wrong at first we had to do research to figure out the soy was best for him
27.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
Could be acid reflux many babies have it these days apparently
27.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
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