Today I get to find out if they want to induce me a week early or not. I'm terrified of the fact they even mentioned it. I though you only get induced when something is wrong or you go over your due date. My due date is December 4th 2016.
That's why I don't understand why they want to induce me?. It isn't like I'm having any problems &, she isn't due until December 4th 2016. I don't know what there thinking or if there trying to scare me again like they been everything time I'd go to my obgyn she would tell me I was measuring behind and send me to high risk just to hear my daughter is healthy and measuring on time. The last one was 37 weeks and she was 6 pounds & 11 oz. She was in the 74 pecental.
They kept saying she was measuring behind when they would put that measuring tape on my belly &, got sent to get a growth ultersound every 2 weeks it felt like. The high risk specialist said she was measuring perfectly on. That I might be measuring behind due to how small I am and this being my first pregnancy.