alecia lynn
alecia lynn
What's good for teething my son is 2 months old is their a teething bracelet to help him?

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There are a lot of different things. You can try breast milk Popsicles if you're breastfeeding; Amber teething necklaces (whether they work or not is debatable. My daughter has had one on since she was about five months and it doesn't do anything for her, but it's cute, so I keep it on her simply as Jewelry now.); many different teething toys to bite; frozen rag in he freezer and you can rub his gums with it; there are necklaces that you can wear and he can chew on them, as you monitor him; there are chew bead bracelets I believe as well. When he's a little older, whenever you start him on solids, you can get a mesh feeder and freeze a banana and put it in there for him to chew and bite on.
23.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
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