My little girl is now 4 months old & she rolls and rolls and rolls! She rolls to her belly but can't roll back to her back with out help. She seems to love sleeping on her side or belly but I am scared and keep flipping her back all night. I'm exhausted! Any tips? I keep hearing that as long as you lay her ok her back and she flips on her own to leave her but I'm still scared

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I am in the same boat! She is my Rollie-pilloe. Ha. But I asked the pediatrician and she said as long as she has strong head movement and can lift up there head then she will be fine. I basically slept at the foot of her crib for the first couple nights. Ha. But within a couple days she mastered rolling back and forth. To either. So it I'll get better. Still put them to sleep on there back and if they roll. They will be okay.
10.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
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