Brittany Michelle ♡
Brittany Michelle ♡
Well , I'm at the 37 week mark. Getting more and more miserable , and more and more scared. Especially because I'm home , by myself , alone , all day/week long .. Got a doctor's appointment Friday and I've never been more scared to go to one especially after the way she jammed her hand in my vagina to check my cervix this past Friday 😧 Swear I hate my doctor . I can only pray she won't be the one delivering my son ....

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Walking is gonna kill me ! I get out of breath walking to the bathroom much less trying to walk out this little boy lol
07.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
I've never had a female Dr so I don't know lol mine have always been male which is only two because my other one retired but they both was pretty cool and gentle I've never had a problem with either
07.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
Well most of the time my mom goes anyways but never says anything , so when she checked me this past friday i had to go alone since my mom wasnt able to leave work . So if I get her to check me this friday im making sure mom is there ! LOL . Lord , trust me . Clark and I have been gettin it on more lol . I'd love to know if it's actually doing anything but I have a feeling this little one is going to make me wait till his due date on the 28th .
07.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
@candidbabex, Well this time , my mom is gonna go , she of course will stand up by my head , but she said she has no problem saying something to her or making a comment of how rough she's doing it . I really want to be able to know if I'm progressing or not but good lord I know if I can handle it again especially if she does it . Like I said before , thank you for everything! You've been a HUGE help and a relief for some stuff lol
07.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
I asked other friends that have recently become mom's or have had multiple kids , and they've told me it's not suppose to hurt whatsoever , if anything you'd feel pressure . But as soon as she jammed her hand in me my back arched up off the table and I hollard out , all she did was laugh . I'm glad I could be your entertainment for the day ! 😡
07.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
My doctor is very rough also. Like being sexually with my husband dont hurt half as bad as her checking my cervix
07.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
I might have to , cause when I mean she jammed her hand in there she went in full force , didn't ease in or anything. Before she even did it she says "I'm going to go in like I'm reaching for your tonsils." she meant that too ! Never been in so much pain , if that's half of what labor feels like I can do it ....
07.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
Ouch! You can refuse a cervix check. They don't mean much as you can stay dilated for a while.
07.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
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