I need some opinions... I had an interview for an awesome company about 2 months ago but I called and said I wouldn't be there because I was not ready to put E in daycare yet. I had a daycare lined up for him and everything. Moms who work and have their kids in daycare. What are the pros and cons? Is it really worth the extra money?

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It's so hard! E was 9 months when we first started looking for daycares. We toured one and loved it and felt comfortable with them... now he's 11 months and I'm kind of wanting to re visit the option. I might wait until he's 1 though to make sure it's really what we want to do. Thank you for your input ladies! @madspud @queenof3
03.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
Originally I had a nanny up until she was 11 months. I then put her in daycare because of the costs. I felt weird for the first two weeks so I called the daycare several times a day everyday for two weeks. She finally settled in & things have been great ever since. The good thing about day care is that it helps them with their social skills because they are around other kids.
03.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
My daughter started daycare yesterday and was so sad! She's only 3.5 months and won't take a bottle and isn't great at napping. The daycare was not great about making us feel comfortable and treated us like we were a burden. I already pulled her out. We'll try again in a few months. I haven't told work yet. They are expecting me back 30 hrs a week. But she's the most important thing. I'll deal with everything else as it comes.
03.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
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