sometimes it makes me wonder if i should just let her put her poop in her mouth lol she certainly won't do it again afterwards. but i k ow it will make her sick so the reasonable part of me is like no Brittany that's bad. lmao @goldhippie
exactly! they act like oh this will be super fun to get shit everywhere! she put her foot in her diaper and then almost put it in her mouth! im like noooo you cant do that!! she just laughs at me. @goldhippie
My daughter is getting to that stage. I usually have her hold the clean diaper for me and she'll stay put. But for her dad....she's a little wiggle worm for him.
hell yes. my kid will roll away, sit up, grab the shitty diaper pull the diaper from under her butt. like i dunno why she would rather sit in poop, but i wrestle her like a alligator and get it done lol.