Any mommas use essential oils for labor and birth? Please share!

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I'm still doing more research on what I want to do but I know that if I go over my due date I want to start using clary sage for massages. I'm bringing my diffuser to the hospital to diffuse lavender and maybe bergamot oil. If I feel nauseous I'm going to use lemon oil on cotton balls to smell when I need to.
19.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
@arivera64, thanks for sharing! I'm planning on using some too. Got frankincense and wild orange to diffuse in the room. Balance for my feet to help ground me. I don't have clarysage but wondering if I could use clary calm around ankles when in active labor?
19.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
@usmcwife, what are you planning on doing?
19.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
I haven't yet but I plan to 😊
19.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
I have not yet, but I will be using oils this time around. Since I'm getting induced I'll be trying to jumpstart labor with clary sage by applying it to pressure points about 2 or 3 days before my induction. It's also supposed to help slow/stalled labor. I also have a mixture of lavender, peppermint and olive oil to use for a calming neck and back massage. I also mixed the lavender and peppermint in water to use as a spritz. Spritz it in the air for a calming effect or spritz it onto a cloth and use it on your head/neck. Good for headaches too.
19.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
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