Ok anyone who knows anything about hair help! This is how much hair I lose every time I shower... Why is this happening and how do I make it stop! I feel like I'm going bald over here!!!
Mine falls out like yours after every delivery. Just had my4th. It grows back. It's just gross while it happens. My dr said it's because while u breast feed your body does not produce estrogen. So your body behaves likes its in menopause.
my hair hasn't come out that much.my hair would come out ever time I took a shower. I made me a doctor app their going to check out different things I been on birth control since I was 18 I'm 24now
@cheerbigk, I have always had a little shed hair but in the last few months it's thinned out a lot. I have always had very thick hair.I'm losing a lot with other symptoms I didn't realize were related and currently going through some testing to find out what's going on :( if this isn't a normal amount I recommend bringing it up to your doctor.
@marialovey7, it's awful... I have to clean out the drain 3 or 4 times everytime I shower or else I have a tub full of water cuz the drain is clogged with my hair!