I have a dilemma, I'm due back to work 7th January and really really don't wanna go back to work! I need a different job to work around my baby and family! I'm a bar maid and my boss ain't the kindest of people and I would finish at 2 in morning and have my baby to look after at five and won't be able to work days and would be night shifts which is worst for my family but really struggling for money. What you ladies suggest go back to work for couple months see how it goes or try and find or what to do with a job to work around my family!! HELP!!

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What job could I get! I'm having a hard time bring myself round to even think about going back to work I was something different. But what can I do because of my family and I really don't wanna go back not even because of family I'm just paranoid I hated working there anyways but knowing what I wanna do next screws my head right up!!
13.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
You don't have to pay it back Hun unless you was paid more than SMP x
13.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
I don't know about that. I get the government standard maternity pay and I don't have to pay it back if I don't go back. I didnt go back straight away with my first. He was 15months when I went back to work.
13.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
go back to work ( as you are struggling financial) and job search at the same time. start searching from now. it takes a while to get jobs
13.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
So if I look up until 7th of January and decide I don't wanna go back will I have to pay any SMP back?? @sara-lou
13.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
It never does any harm to see what else is out there & what your options are. Get some CV'S printed and ring some people up / go into stores & hand them out. I have a job to go back to but I've already started looking & enquiring at other places to see if there's anywhere that would suit us better seeing as I have 2 children now!
13.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
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