Any tips on ttc I have a almost five month old and we are going to start trying again soon. We think we got lucky with her because my husband thought he was infertile, any tips?
Ohhhh I'm not really sure. I didn't get pregnant till July, and my son just turned one in August. I think I got my period back in like November or december of last year, so I had been pretty regular by the time we started trying.
see that's another problem I still haven't gotten my period and I'm not sure how that will effect getting pregnant, I know you don't have to have a period to get pregnant but idk if it's going to make it more difficult. @emiswymn
My husband and I tried for four months before we got pregnant w #2. I got a period app that tracked my periods and ovulation and made sure to do it a lot when I was close to ovulation.