Attention all step moms I need to vent.
So my fiancées soon to be ex wife on the 24th is draining us dry. She makes $2000 a month at her job somehow gets food stamps and gets work first (welfare getting $600 a month) an now she is taking my fiancée to court next week to get $450 a month from him in child support. She told us last Sunday she was pregnant by her boyfriend an then the next day went to get the child support raised because she said her boyfriend is a piece of shit and wouldn't pay for the things her child needs so she is wanting to raise his child support from $50 (because we have him every weekend, buy him clothes, buy his school supplies, paid half for peewee football and pay half for all of his Cub Scout trips) to $450 which DSS agreed was a fair amount because she has him Monday through Friday. Well apparently from what his lawyer says is she will get the money. I myself do not work because I stay at home with our new born am daycare and my car payment went well over my income at $16.25 a hour. The lawyer said they will not accept that he pays his car payment his phone bill or his car insurance because it does not pertain to his child with his ex and the child we have together will not count either because he is younger than his son with his ex wife. It doesn't make sense to me. How are we suppose to live if he only makes $1,200 a month have a car payment of $320, phone bill of $100 insurance of $150 and pay child support of $450? How the crap are we going to afford to live any where and pay rent and utilities? He has already forked out $7k to her because she stole $4k from his bank account after they separated and he gave her a car and kept the insurance in his name because she didn't have a job to pay for it and she needed a way to take their child to and from places. Then she wrecked the car and insurance sent him a letter saying he had to pay $3k or his license would be taken for a year and she said she wasn't going to pay for it. When he filed for separation she refused to sign the separation papers and then divorce papers was served to her by a sheriff and she refused to sign those as well so I'm assuming on the 24th the divorce will be finalized weather she likes it or not. How can we keep from paying her all this money that she is not going to use on the child anyhow? We currently stay with my dad at the moment because we was trying to buy a house and we don't pay rent or power etc. now we can't do that much less rent something.