I'm so sick of living with a damn child. And no I'm not talking about my kids. I'm talking about the almost 22 year old who lives in my house claiming to be a great Husband and Father. The only good thing he does is work so I can be a stay at home mom, that's it. As soon as he comes home he sits his lazy ass in front of the TV and plays video games. Its such a fucking hassle for him to interact with me or either of the kids. He let's my 2 year old get into everything, doesn't discipline at all or clean whatever he did up. He's completely addicted to video games. If he's not working and we have to go somewhere he gets pissed because he has to leave the house aka his video games. He would rather have our kids starve then go even a few days without buying the newest one. I'd almost rather be married to an alcoholic. At least they interact with people. I'm so sick of it. If he's not going to act like the grown ass man he is and be a father and husband, I'm going to leave him. My kids and I deserve better.
@housfullofgrls, if I ever tried to sell his video games I'm pretty sure I'd get beat to death and most likely in front of my kids. If I even do as little as turn it off while he's playing hes seconds from hitting me.