Since giving birth every one asked am I breast feeding and I reply no. Then they go off on a rant telling me how important breast milk is. After their done with their little speech. I then (with a attitude of course) say I excessively and exclusively pump milk for my child every 2-3 hours a day that's 8-10 times a day cause I do know how important and valuable my breast milk is for my baby. People are so quick to say something with out knowing the full story. I personally don't like breast feeding but I'm here working hard pumping to ensure my child gets my breast milk
7.6 лет

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As long as baby is fed that's all that matters. Idk why ppl are so rude

7.6 лет Нравится Ответить



As long as baby is fed that's all that matters. Idk why ppl are so rude

7.6 лет Нравится Ответить

people are sooo judgemental it's unreal

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