Anyone have pointers on good food to eat, while expecting, that helps to not gain any weight. My doctor says I should only gain 9-15 lbs for the entire term. I'm only in week 10 and I'm very concerned about such a small number.
even if you are in the fluffier side thats an unrealistic goal tbh. i was 100 lbs when i found out and gained 35 but usually its suggested between 25-45
@mizharleyquinn199 I'm a bit on the fluffier side, and I know I'm supposed to gain less during the process than someone who's skinner (healthy weight), but it seems too low and unrealistic. But I'd like to give it a try. My biggest concern is every time I try to really monitor my weight and stress about it, my body freaks out and I gain weight.
can i ask how much you weigh? seems like an unrealistic thing hes asking especially since baby could be 8-9 lbs and then theres still the fluid, breast increase, and normal weight gain as well