Bianca Natalie
Bianca Natalie
*my birth story* on sept 20 at 7:30pm my water broke while I was at home laying down. Around 10pm I started feeling contractions and they got progressively strong and my doctor wasn't going to come in and do my c-section until 7am on the 21st my contractions were so bad the nurses were trying to see if my doctor would let me have an epidural but he said exactly 7am my doctor comes in gives me a briefing and by the time I know it I was being wheeled into the OR. With my husband by my side at exactly 7:22am I heard the most perfect sound any mother wants to hear I heard my little boy cry. He was born at 37weeks and 5days Lorenzo Antonio Reyes was 6pounds 5oz and 19 inches long and pure perfection we are now home and trying to get used to having a newborn and a 1 year old and a 4 year old but we'll figure it out we're so in love with our rainbow baby I couldn't be more blessed

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With my second child I had a vbac but now with my third doc decided on a csection and that just threw me off I was really looking forward this whole time to a natural birth:( so it's barely setting in that I will have a csection in five days.😨 @mommabee37
25.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
So you would say the spinal block is not so painful? Or why would you say that was the scariest part? Sorry I'm asking all these questions lol I'm just trying to mentally prepare myself lol😬😬 @mommabee37
25.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
25.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
Yes they gave me a spinal block the anesthesiologist who did it was very quick and the nurse that was there to help was very helpful. For me that was the scariest part was getting that spinal block because with my first born I had an epidural and it took forever and was sort of painful
25.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
O ok I'll be on my second csection, my first happened way to fast for me to remember exactly and it was also 4yrs ago. Friday I have my first scheduled csection since again my first it was an emergency csection. What did they give you to numb you before the procedure, was it the spinal one? @mommabee37
25.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
Not too bad I still pretty numb that hole day but the next day they made me get up and walk and use the restroom and that's when the pain was worst but the more you walk and move around the better this was my 3rd c-section I don't know if that had anything to do with it but the recovery is the hardest part because of the pain@momma_jessa2
25.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
How is the recovery? Btw congrats!:)
25.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
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