Amber LaChelle
Just left my 37 week appt and I'm only 1/2cm dilated and not effaced. He said my cramping last night was probably false labor pains. I don't think this lil girl is nowhere near ready to come out, but I hope she comes on her due date. Guess I need to walk more. Any other suggestions to get the ball rolling???
7.6 лет

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Lol dang how far along were you? Funny thing I jus ate subway and I'm def having sex tonight lol so we will see 😂

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Lol dang how far along were you? Funny thing I jus ate subway and I'm def having sex tonight lol so we will see 😂

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@beautifulone1103 I had tried everything and nothing worked.! my doctor was talking about inducing me and everything lol. me and my husband had subway for dinner , I had jalapenos on my sandwich , had sex and had baby the next day after her telling me I was only a little dilated day! it's crazy lol. we had even went to L&D that morning of my appointment because we thought I was in labor but they sent us home. don't lose hope girl!!

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@atw2016, wow really! That gives me lots of hope lol

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don't lose hope. I was told the same thing and woke up the following morning at 3am 9 cm dilated!

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