Sorry ladies need a rant!
my other half took me to the cinema last night so my MIL had my little girl over night. The idea was sprung on my last night and I like to have plenty of notice and plan because I get some anxiety when she stays out especially as my in laws live in a different city across the water. The only thing that made me say yes was the fact that they said they would have her back by 10:30. We've just phoned asking them where they are and they are only just leaving! It takes them a good hour to get here. So now my little one is going to be back an hour and a half later than I said for her to be back. This happens every time she stays over there and I've said countless times I'm not happy with it and I set the time she's back as a boundary as a parent. I understand people being late for reasons they can't control, but on one of the occasions I asked for her to be back at midday because she had appointments and we had other stuff to do. I didn't get her back until 7pm. I'm seriously starting to consider her not being able to have her overnight as it feels to me that they are completely stepping over my boundaries and not respecting me or my other half at all when we set rules and boundaries about our daughter.
Sorry for the long post just needed to get this out!