Maybe he wants more food?? that's how my baby was.. but she would sleep a little then up crying and had her on my nipples. . I started to pump and realized I was only get like 2 ounces and thought maybe she wanted more food and I bought formula and I'm now feeding her 3 ounces and she's good. she will now sleep more and I can lay her down with a piece if mind. I still breastfeed her when I can just to keep the milk going and have her close to me.
I understand. neither of mine would take a binky. Use lansinoh cream on your nipples and cold packs. It eventually gets better but it always starts out bad. My left nipple would bleed so I wouldnt be able to feed him with that one until it healed. It hurts like hell I know. Do you have a pump??? do you have a swing?
Mine cluster fed a lot which was great because it kept up my supply. I always put him down when I'm done. all my babies are crib sleepers from day one because Im a crazy sleeper. I just bought a rocking chair or go to to my couch with a recliner and feed him throughout the night while he was eating like crazy or pump and let his dad feed him
My daughter went through a cluster feeding phase but it was short. I make sure to put her down when she sleeps to get her used to it. Aside from cuddle and feeding time 😉