Prayers for our 4 month old Aidan. we just can't get his vomiting under control and he is not gaining weight for the last few weeks. I ended up having to leave work today because he had vomited 9 times in an hour and couldn't keep anything down for a few hours )): we thankfully finally got an appointment at the pediatric gastroenterologist tomorrow so hopefully we can get him feeling better!
Thanks everyone. Luckily pyloric stenosis was already ruled out. He does have a suspected hiatal hernia so we will see what the Dr says today! ♡ @autumnrae @dmariec2 @leahsmommi @mrscruz0530 @teniera
this happened to my daughter. she dropped weight so much she was failing to thrive! We had to put her on high calorie formula and mix it extra strong, it was very hard and stressful but she grew out of it and is now a perfectly healthy 16month old! still skinny but that's okay! Good luck momma and there is hope that it will go away on its own! and if it doesn't you are incredibly strong and will do great as a mommy still