Also check out this book. It will completely change the way you look at the things your husband does. Dr. Eggerichs basically says men are blue/women are pink...we process and say things in two different ways. We need to be able to understand this in order to properly communicate and share. He also explains the love and respect cycle. If your husband loves you, you will respect him. Women want to be loves and men want to be respected
God! put Him before even your husband. if your foundation is built upon your faith rather than each other, your marriage will be strong. People fail. God does not. "So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31
communication is key! patience , unconditional love , making time for eachother no matter what the situation ! and always talking things out respectfully!
Communicate. He can't read your mind. Don't ever threaten leaving or divorce. That is not something you use as a weapon. Try to go out of your way every once in a while to make a loving gesture. Don't let intimacy run dry. Make time for each other. Put your phones down and talk. Pray for each other.