Has anyone else been told that their unborn child has poly cysts on their brain. The nurse told me not to worry that the cysts that are there are normal and that they normally disipate. I've seen many other cases where they do end up goin away. Has anyone else heard of this happenin??? That's the only thing about how excelled ultrasounds are now a days. There can be things that are found and they turn out to be normal and while that's goin on it has us mommy's worried and scared to death for our unborn baby!!!! 👶🍼🍀🌟🌸🌼👏🙏

Лучший комментарий


Awesome. I'm so glad and happy for you. That makes me feel so much better @babyelkins2016 !! I don't think I have seen or heard of anyone that has had this problem and it NOT had it work itself out!!
02.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
My daughter did! And too much spinal fluid on her brain.I was super scared when they told me at my anatomy scan cause I have them on my brain and they say it's hereditary so I kept blaming my self for it. So they started sending me to a high risk doctor for ultrasounds once a month and they all went away :)
31.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
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