Adriana mead
Adriana mead
Mother in law is in town for two and a half weeks for my baby's delivery and she's just driving us crazy. Omg shit. I can't stand her any more. I'm so stressed out just from having her here. She's so picky and demanding. I need to relax. She means well and is so helpful and I invited her to the delivery but it's just too much. I need to lay down in bed and have a bottle of wine or something and chill the F* out. I shouldn't be this stressed out right before delivery. Help with ideas or advice please. 😕

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Hahaha and then she's like " come on get working I need you to pop that granddaughter for me now." I told her just now I'm being induced tomorrow and she was so happy she set me down and washed my feet. I felt so awkward. Now she washed my feet and scrubbed them. How do I tell her she can't be there LOL. I'm screwed. Now when baby is born she's gonna be like " that's not how your hold a baby. That's not how you clean a baby. " etc etc. Pls two weeks go away fast hahahaha ha
31.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
oh Lord. I'd die if mine came to stay with me. she is exactly like yours! I feel for u girl. I stayed with mine for two weeks while we were finding a house & I couldn't take it. she drove me insane.
30.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
I am 41 weeks and I'm exhausted. I have my house so clean and immaculate because I'm such ocd person. So is she. So there is not complaining from her part about my cleaningness and organization. She's actually very please. But she makes comments every time I lay down. Like fuck. I'm 41 weeks pregnant. I'm tired. She gets up at 5 am every day and has a freaken long to do list and wants me to be part of it and go shopping and shit I can't even walk. As soon as I get home , she's like " are you in bed already? It's 2 pm. Why do you nap so much? Like f. U. I'm tired of her. She has been cooking in the oven every day and the house is a million freaken degrees and she gets mad cause I turn the air conditioning on. I'm like please. I'm pregnant and I'm so hot. She's like well I'm too cold. Leave the air off. She changed things around the house and re arranged my furniture. I feel I shouldn't complain since she's been helping us financially with so much. Don't know what we would do without her. She even have me a brand new car. I feel that because she's giving us so much that she feels entitled to boss us around. I wanted her to be part of the delivery but now I'm like fuck you! I don't want you there. She never leaves home. She's always there. :(
If I tell her I don't want her in the delivery anymore she would kill herself. At the same time I'm tired of her stupid comments. Her last comment to my husband today was " wow son, your wife really wants to lay down and sleep a lot. When I was her age and pregnant I never slept. I worked hard. She needs to be doing something constantly and not lay down like a lazy girl ". My husband said, " mom!! My wife is pregnant. Don't you understand how tired she must feel?" I wonder if there is a way I can still bring her in the delivery room without having her too involved in it. It sucks. I was gonna bring my mom too but she's too far away. Maybe it's a good thing. @geminimum666
30.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
I feel that way about both mother in law and my own mother lol
30.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
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