Well tomorrow is my due date and still no baby! I'm going for a ultrasound this week to see if baby is still happy in there or not, and then scheduling a date for me to be induced. 😩 very nervous and I hear the chances of a c section are higher, really want to brith naturally.. Anyone have any advice/experience on being induced\c section ?

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My doc wanted to induce days before my due date. I said no bc I wanted it naturally.. so I went for an ultrasound to ensure it was safe to wait. 1 week after my due date to be exact, my water broke. I had my induction scheduled 4 days after .. I'm so happy she decided to come before that.
27.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
@rachael12, I never had to induced but caesarean is right up my alley, first one at age 20. This will be my third and I think my last 😋. I wish I could have had the natural experience at least once. Caesarean aren't as bad as ppl say but I found recovery varies on the person and it took a while for me to return to normal both times. I had infection both times as well and remained in hospital for one week plus two days. Also had a hard time urinating on my own that the medical staff was worried that I would have to depend on the catheter. That is just my experience though. Even though it wasn't a walk on the park 12 yrs later I'm back at it again 😉. Just be hopeful and remain positive. The most important area you should focus on is that you and baby will pull through regardless the forum you deliver. Keep us posted!!
27.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
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