Need a quick vent.
I am feeling like a crazy person. Im over my due date and have a c section scheduled for this upcoming Wednesday since my dr won't induce me because of my previous c section (my first wAs breech) . Husband has already missed a few days of work this week because the jobs were too far away if I was to go into labor and heaven help me with all the people with good intentions but checking in on me everyday to see if I had the baby. Especially people like my own mother. Like id forget to tell her? I've had people text me telling me how I'm inconveniencing their schedule by not having her yet 😑 like what the hell would make you feel ok sending that to someone. Sorry me not giving birth is harming you in anyway. Or my favorite, texting me what your friend told you to tell me to do or what I'm not doing right to have this baby. I pay good money to my dr who I see weekly so I don't really need some random ass woman I've never met giving me advice on my body when I pay and see a dr regularly who knows my body and needs.'I'm already starting to get frustrated with myself/ my body.. I don't need friends/family reminding me every ten seconds I still am pregnant. Feeling a lot of pressure and there is nothing I can do about it. If baby isn't ready.. Baby isn't ready.. Really really wanted a vbac. Going over your due date is more stressful than I imagined😕 I really hope my body kicks itself into gear soon and I can have this baby vaginally before Wednesday