Hello ladies, anyone has some delicious recipes for 8 months old baby ? My baby boy doesn't like solid food at all !! He just wants milk and Iam worried about his weight because he doesn't eat 😓
Yeah :) thats baby led weaning hun :) its seems like he prefers to feed himself (Maya is like that) Toast with unsalted butter is great, soft chicken and finger sized veg and fruit xx
I started with purée , he was eating but not liking it at all, then I started lumpy food or pieces of soft food he didn't like it at all, he will seal his mouth! Few minutes ago I was eating normal food and I started to give him piece of chicken with white sauce and he ate! He likes our food with seasoning, it seems he didn't like bland food. But I don't want to give him salt at this stage so Iam thinking to cook our meals with very little salt and maybe this way he can join us for meals.