Glad my son is feeding so well passed his hearing and has been doing amazing now he just has to pass his car seat test and continue to go good and well be home Saturday!
Yes that was me as well my fiancée told me to stop going nuts he'll be okay and he was so just relax take it easy and try not to stress and no problem @kaitlyncouch
Yes trust me I was driving my self crazy looking online and being so worried I'm sure you were as well but he will be a beautiful healthy baby boy and I believe he'll be just fine neither have I do it was new to me as well but I'm here if you need support or have any other questions @kaitlyncouch
Okay, you gave me some ease off of it. I was so worried that if he decided to come now that he wouldn't be okay, I have never had a early baby so this is all new to me. @desirae21
Yes he should be about 5 now I was thinned out for about 5 days at 2cm 60% effaced this is my third baby after that were were 5 cm and then two days after 7-8 cm but they never stop my labor they said that he was old enough that he should be fine as long as he got the steroid shots and Which he was he should weight enough now and I believed he'll be just fine
When the hospital that stopped my labor did an ultrasound last week they told me he was 4lbs 15oz, so he should be over 5lbs now right? He's already engaged in the birth canal ready, I'm dilated to almost a 2 & 50% thinned out. @desirae21
I also got the steroid shots for his lungs last week he should do fine I was terrified that he'd be sick or have a problem he came they checked him he was good he never had to go to nicu he's been breastfeeding well and the only problem I had with him was he's was just really sleepy so getting him up to fed was a little challenging but I'll pray he makes a safe delivery and that he comes nice and healthy my baby was 5 pounds 15 ounces at birth @kaitlyncouch
I'm 35 weeks & they said baby would be here soon that I wouldn't go to my due date. I've already had steroid shots for his lungs because I went into preterm labor last week but I'm still worried because my first was a due date baby & still spent a week in nicu sick.