Weird question but how would you no if your waters brake while you where in the bath I think mine my have gone but not sure I have a scan tomorrow for other reasons so I'll no for sure then but just wondering how to tell xx
Been to the doctors it wasn't my water thank god I was thinking it would be really hard to tell if you where in water had to have them broke with my first so wasn't sure @beadyeyes93 @dannielle1996 xx
My waters hadn't gone when I went into labour I had a water birth and the midwife thought my waters went as there was a fish of fluid but turns out is peed myself as just before the head came out she realised they hadn't broken and had to pop them! Xx
Thanks I will do feel silly for asking because it's my second but they never went first time had to have them broke so still don't really no what to expect if they do I do have an appointment tomorrow morning for a scan to ease my mind as it's probably nothing and but I will worry until He's been checked just need him to wait until 37 weeks then I'll be happy xx
I've had it and thought it was my waters that went,went to delivery suit and they said my cervix was closed, pop a pad on and then time half an hour and if it's still damp then you'd need to call the hospital just incase it is your waters