Pregnancy Survey

About You

Name?: Reneisha
Age?: jus turned 23 on August 8th😜
Height?: 5'10
Pre-pregnancy weight?: 190

About The Father
Name?: Deontey
Age?: Almost 22
Height?: 5'11
Are you still together?: Yes but he's annoying af🙄

About Your Pregnancy
Is this your first pregnancy?: Yes
When did you find out you were pregnant?: November 7th, 2015
Was it planned?: Kind of I was never on bc & we stopped using protection !
What was your first reaction?: So shocked but overly joyed at the same time !
Who was with you when you found? No one
Who was the first person you told?: My favorite cousin & my good friend who had jus had her baby, I didn't tell her dad right away because it was super busy at his job so I couldn't reach him😕
How did your parents react?: My mama was sooooo happy !
How far along were/are you?: I was 4 weeks
What was your first symptom? Definitely NAUSEA 😪
What is/was your due date?: July 15, 2016
Do you know the sex of the baby? I found out she was a girl at 12 weeks through the blood test !
Who picked the names?: He chose her name & I chose the spelling of it ☺️
What are the name/names? Raegan 😘
How much weight have you gained?: I gained 40 pounds total 😒
Do you have stretch marks?: yes
Have you felt the baby move/ when did you feel baby move?: Closer to my 3rd trimester, I think around like 27 weeks I felt an actual kick
Have you heard the heartbeat/when did you hear the heartbeat?: At my 8 week appt

About the birth
Will you keep the baby/did you keep the baby?: I sure did !!!!
Home or hospital birth?: hospital
Natural or medicated birth?: I Definitely was medicated ! Shout out to y'all natural birth mamas I jus couldn't
Who will be in the/was in the delivery room with you?: My mama & my boyfriend
Will/are you breastfeed?: Nope & she's perfect healthy 🤗
Do you think you'll need/get a c-section?:
Nope, she came out vaginally
Will/did you cry when you hold the baby for the first time?: I couldn't cry I jus kept smiling lol
What's the first thing you might say/said to him/her?: I honestly don't remember I jus stared at her then the nurses grabbed her to clean her off
Would/did you let someone videotape the birth?: Nope
Are/were you excited about the birth, or scared?: It caught me by surprise I was jus in so much pain I jus wanted it to be over with !

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