I haven't gained any weight this past month??? Anyone have this issue from 30-34 weeks? I've been using the restroom a lot more than usual, and BM has been a lot looser than normal (to say the least 😫) I've been getting really nauseous every time I try to eat lunch and I take prenatals at night so that shouldn't be my issue... At 30 weeks he was already clear down to my cervix and I've had terrible pressure... Baby boy stays pretty active. I'm just concerned and would love other opinions

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I'm almost 33 weeks and haven't gained anything since 21 weeks. In the first trimester my morning sickness was so bad that I was actually losing weight. So technically I haven't gained any weight this pregnancy. I still have my morning sickness though, so I think that is why I haven't gained anything because I don't eat nearly as much as I did before I got pregnant. But doctor said as long as baby is healthy, then there's nothing to worry about! My baby is already almost 5 pounds so he must be getting what he needs lol
10.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
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