I just read the story about the baby boy who passed away from a terrible infection he contracted by drinking enfamil gentle ease 😰 I have a head ache from trying to hold back the tears. My heart hurts for that family 😞
@gcpaschal, I hope it works out for you! Remember when switching formulas your baby may be fussy for a couple of days if their bellies have a hard time adjusting to the new formula.
@gcpaschal, thanks :) and well put! My first born was formula fed, and I used nutramigen because she had/has dairy allergies. It's great formula, goat milk based, but super expensive. My third born actually contracted ecoli while nursing. He aspirated milk a lot constantly giving him pneumonia, and ended up hospitalized with ecoli in his gut, and lungs. There's never a sure shot way to prevent something bad from happening, it's life 🙄 we as moms hopefully learn from mistakes made by ourselves and others, and do what we can to protect our babies! I think tossing the old cans of the gentle ease would be a good precaution I'd hope they recalled that batch of gentle ease that lady fed her baby :( maybe look into it? If they haven't it may be a good idea to switch? Lol ugh I'm such a worry wart of a mom I'm sorry.
Noooooo it wasn't you at all. I only asked if you breastfeed because I wanted to know what kind of formula your baby uses if you didn't. The fact of the matter is we will probably worry about our children for the rest of our lives and theirs. No matter what the convo is about. Even before this story I was questioning formula period. I hate feeding my child something with so many chemicals and smells so bad once mixed. I also hate feeding her anything with such a long shelf life. I travel out of state so much and I'm always traveling locally last minute so I don't breastfeed. You did nothing wrong. Please don't feel that way ok.
@gcpaschal, @jozzie123 I'm so sorry I wasn't trying to scare anyone. I also wasn't trying to say that because I breastfeed my baby is safe from infection. I was asked if I breastfeed, and I do. Truth of the matter is whether breastfed, formula fed, given cows milk, goats milk, whatever, a person can contract an infection. Nothing is "safe" and it is sad and scary that there was a case last month of infant death that could've been the result of tainted formula. I could unknowingly eat bad meat, and pass that onto by baby (God forbid). I'm sorry that I scared or offended you I promise that wasn't my intent.
It could be the milk even our breast milk can cause an infection my daughter has had enfamil for 10 months no problem but since I ready the story too I was thinking of giving her whole milk or goat milk
@jozzie123, thank you. That article was before the baby passed a month ago though 😳. I couldn't sleep last night. First thing this morning I told my hubby I want to take her off Enfamil.