(I look terrible here but) this is the first time I held my daughter and I believe my birth story is pretty bad ass lol. long story short, she was born exactly a week late but my water broke and I was in labor for 3 days before she was born. I was bed redden from the time I arrived, couldn't eat, and constantly threw up. after 3 days of labor and 2 and a half hours of pushing without medication she got stuck part of the way out. things got really bad they said i needed an emergency c-section even doctors seemed panicked. they even asked what we wanted if they could only save on of us and we flipped out, I was shaking so bad they had to strap me to the bed. they gave me the proper medicine but when they began cutting me I completely felt it, at first they tried to just tell me to call down then her father yelled at them. after we were both flipping out they gave me more medicine and started cutting me again, at which point I screamed and they realized I was ammune to it and finally put me under. after everything Amelia was born completely healthy and I recovered just fine. the results of it were an absolute blessing, and I think after all of that were pretty bad ass lol. 😂😇💖👑🎀💋💕 #badass #momlifephotos