my 1 month old is exclusively breastfed, she spits up and poops a lot. I'm thinking of stopping breastfeeding, maybe I'm hurting her? any other mommies deal with this? any suggestions or should I just start formula?
Don't stop. you're doing fine, spit up is normal and lots of poop is good lol. I've heard not to lay baby flat for a bit after a feeding. Also, try to burp after a few minutes of nursing instead of just burping at the end. :)
@reznor, I did everything. I burbed between feeds, I didn't put him down right after feeding, and nothing worked. But as he got older it got better. I would cry when he spit up and it was a lot. At 4 months my pediatrician suggested I put rice cereal in his breastmilk. Did for couple weeks and didn't help. But it does get better.
@amaresmama, yes , but let's say she eats I burp her and then sit her up. 30 min later I'll at her down to change her diaper and when I pick her up after boom there's the spit up. or let's say I'm feeding her she just finishes. from the point of her at my breasts to putting her over my shoulder shell spit up . its so frustrating😕
@nurseriri, I'm scared it is hurting her and I don't know it. but same here I'm sure its bothering me more than her. its frustrating having to constantly change her clothes and I'm always burping her trying to do everything I can so she doesn't and then boom it happens
@reznor, nooooo don't stop. My son spit up for 3 months straight. It wasn't reflux. Pediatrician wasn't worried one bit because he was pooping and peeing and gaining weight adequately. Once he's not painful when spitting up its normal. It bothered me more than him. And newborn poop a lot with every change. But breastfeeding is the best thing you can do for your baby. I've been exclusively breastfeeding 61/2 months.
im just afraid my milk is making her sick. . its probably more frustrating than anything because she spits up and wants to eat more then ends up vomiting from over eating and then is hungry all over again.
no don't stop breastfeeding...she might have reflux... all babies spit up gets better for them as their little digestive systems mature. my son is 7 months and he rarely spits up now