me and Avery's dad had a long conversation last night about how things ended, how we wanted to commemorate Joel (my angel twin), how.much love we both still have for each other, and how we were made for each other and no matter what he's always gonna be bae. then today as he was taking me home from our appointment he said something I haven't heard him say in 4 months. "you look beautiful today". it almost felt like we were together again. he said hes gonna start busting his ass again so he could move. as in move out of his girls house. hmm. the girl he left me for. im thinking to myself "is he really that unhappy" and then he asked me how long i planned on living with my mom. that made me think. like are you trying ti get back together so you can have a place to live? or do you really miss me? now i need to be even more careful cause i don't know what his intentions really are.
7.7 лет

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thank you @mommy2b558

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thank you @mommy2b558

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yeah because he realized the grass wasnt on the other side and now he just came running back. be careful

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im trying! thats exactly the situation! he isnt happy with her and now he is being how he used to be all sweet and stuff and it's so hard because i know that side of him not the ugly side he showed me 3 months ago. my heart wants to run back and my brain is like "woah there partner, slow down, be careful, think about this!" @mommy2b558

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exactly! I agree. they don't deserve to just come and go. It's like he wasn't happy with his new girl and realizes whay he lost so bow at whim he's coming running back smh...idk. idk please guard your heart. Pray for strength and wisdom. Don't make it to easy because he needs to learn a lesson. He did leave you while you are pregnant and so did mine. please be graceful and do what's best

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I'll definitely pray for you mama. i dont want to get my hopes up or make it too easy for him. he left when i needed him the most. @mommy2b558

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I'm going through the Same thing....please pray for my family. I will also pray for yours. God bless

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thank you @nygirl3rdbabymiami im stuck between trying again and letting it go.

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If it's meant to work out it will :)

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