Any tips to produce more breastmilk?
I have been trying to stay hydrated, pumping every 3 hours, out meal, milk & I can only get max close to 2 ounce every pump 😭
I've been doing a dark beer a night and it has made a difference! You're allowed to have up to two beers while breastfeeding. I only do one though. I use Guinness extra stout. The taste isn't very appealing, but it's worth it to me! I've also been told lactation cookies work wonders! I'll add the recipe a friend of mine used! She did the cookies and beer and it worked amazing 🙂
Try not to pump as much they say not to let the amount you get through a pump determine how much you produce. I could hardly ever pump but I successfully BF for a long time.
if your breastfeeding and pumping thats the normal amount. I spoke to a lactation consultant and she told me to expect 1-2 oz each session when exclusively breastfeeding