@jayson21_41, lol after the birth I haven't been eating dealing with a newborn u forget to eat sleep bathe etc. so I just filled my stomach in for a half day meal 😭😭😢😢
Would you ladies wear a belly band or a corsett? I'm trying to decide which one to wear... My hubby is so against me wearing it but at the end of the day it's MY BODY and I want to look right... Regardless of his opinion! 😒🙄
They gave me one in the hospital and I wore it 24/7. Only took it off to shower for the first month. Then I bought a better one and I wear it anytime I leave the house.
Sometimes I do , but when I don't I don't eat a lot it makes me feel less hungry which I think is good cause I've been craving for everything healthy n unhealthy lmao.
Yes I did have her vaginally. I got EPIDURAL lmao n all. She was born on her due date so I guess I got lucky Fr. But yeah it's better when it's right. I wear mine all the time n her dad is mad jealous cause he see my stomach flat already but wonder y I still wear it 😭😭😭😹😹 I'm like u never know 🙃.
Soooo Lucky! I got myself one but my boyfriend got me the wrong size he first got me a small it was too tight then a large and it's too damn big, and now he's dreading to take it back for a medium, but we're doing it today! I need my tummy to go back asap, did you have your baby vaginally? @miracle2397
Yeah in Colombia ( South America) women do this a lot my Obgyn said it was completely fine, other people believe you should let your body heal but I think the fastest way it heals is by putting a waist trainer on in my opinion
Don't worry Hun you're not harming your body in any way. In my culture as soon as we give birth our mothers have always told us to wear a waist shaper, belt whatever it's called we call it different in Spanish lol.. but that actually helps all of our body parts go back to normal and for our hips to close again.. so don't stress it