Deleting this profile like I don't argue ! Y'all enjoy the rest of y'all pregnancies and children but the rest of my energy is going towards my child and preparing for her arrival. I'll find a more POSITIVE support system. 😂✌🏾️
@mommy2babyg, crazy thing is it was already avoided before it got to preggie she always talking about she being bullied ! I told this girl to be blessed! And she called me names and brought it here!
@mommy2babyg, like I left it alone on Fb people don't even know the whole story I told her to have a blessed day and pregnancy then blocked her she brought it here. Like I don't have time but when I check somebody I'm a bully. This like the 3rd time.
Stealing pictures damn i aint seen that but yes I understand i dont like the drama and dont like the bullying that's what seems to happen here alot one person say something then here comes 20 million other people when it could have been avoided
@mommy2babyg, I don't even have energy for this. And it's not even that bitches stealing pictures and stuff. And everybody feel like they have to tune in to the drama. I don't cause negative attention like that to myself .