Is uterine pain normal with contractions??? It hurts 2 walk

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2 weeks ago dr said I haven't dilated or began to efface yet. Hoping I am dilating tho. Thanks @deafmama16
07.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
You've dilated? I've had that since yesterday and today and found out that I was dilating more yes it's painful to walk very painful but try to walk slowly as much as you can through the contractions. If you're having contractions constantly no matter what you do like sitting on the toilet. Contractions. Standing feeling like you have to pee with contractions and only can stand to just pee with contractions. Stronger contractions after drinking regular raspberry herbal tea even a half cup wether your water breaks or not and its unbearable girl go in
07.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
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