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July 4th 2016 at 11:06 pm I gave birth to a precious baby girl. It was very unexpected and the entire process went by really fast! I was able to do it all natural, no epidural or pain medication! I wouldn't trade this experience for the world! And Diego was here by my side, supporting me through the whole process, which I'm so thankful for. I am more than blessed that God has placed this amazing man in mine, and my daughters lives. God has given me a man who loves and accepts me for who I am, and treats my children no different than his own, and I the same to his children. I had a lot of ups and downs with how I felt about this pregnancy in the beginning. But I came to the realization that God gave me this child for a reason and he has called her by name to do great things! I wanted to honor MY GOD by picking a biblical name for my second daughter "Serenity Rose Rubey." Now the meaning behind this name is the serenity prayer! That God would give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. So all in all I've learned to accept the changes, and trust God in all of it and knowing he has much more of a greater plan then my own!!! He has brought me two absolutely beautiful girls, he has added a wonderful man, and three more amazing children to my family for us to love and grow together. I wouldn't trade any bit of this past 9 months. It has made me stronger, and happier than ever before.

🌸Serenity Rose Rubey🌸

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