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Birth Story: Last Sunday my husband and I went to the city fair and while walking around my water broke in front of everyone. We got a ride from the EMT'S to our car and headed to the hospital where they admitted me. Since i was only 2cm dilated they places a balloon like thing inside me to soften my cervix so that i could dilate more. Monday morning they took it out and at that point I was 5cm dilated and started me on pitocin. Contractions in the beginning were tolerable but once they upped the pitocin and my "bloody show" came the contractions were no joke! ended up getting an epidural and IT DIDNT WORK ON ME! They had to use a mixture of fentanyl and another drug to help ease the pain. After 14+ hours of not dilating past 7cm they needed to do a c-section because baby and I developed an infection. From my birthing experience I've learned to expect the unexpected and that I am stronger than I give myself credit for.

Dallas Pelenise Thompson
06/28/16 @ 6:59 AM
9lbs 10 oz and 23 inches


Лучший комментарий


lol the bottom left pic with the blue blanket, daddy in the background tapped! lol
05.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
congrats! he is a big baby! beautiful pics
05.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
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