Name: Courtney
Age: 21
Height: 5'5
Pre-pregnancy weight: 135

About Father-
Name: Michael
Age: 31
Height: 5'6!
Are you still together: Yes

About Pregnancy-
Is this your first pregnancy?: Yes
When did you find out?: December 26, 2015
Was it planned?: No
What was your first reaction?: In shock/Scared
Who was with you when you found out?: Just myself.
Who was the first person you told?: My best friend
How did your parents react?: My Dad had a feeling I was by the way I was acting... And my mom just wanted to be there and help as much as possible
How far along are you?: 32+6
What was your first symptom?: Super emotional and sore boobs
Do you know the sex of the baby?: Yes
If so what is it?: A girl
Have you picked out names?: Kylie Mae
Do you have stretch marks?: No
Have you felt the baby move?: Yes
Have you heard the heartbeat?: Yes

After birth.-

Will you keep baby?: Absolutely
Home or hospital birth?: Hospital birth
Natural or medicated birth?: Medicated
Who will be in the delivery room?: My boyfriend and mom

Will you breastfeed?: I'm going to try
Do you think you'll need a c-section?: I hope not.
What's the first thing you will say to him/her?: I think I'll be crying too much. I'll be so in love.
Would you let someone video tape birth?: No
Are you excited about the birth, or scared?: Terrified but I can't wait for her to be here finally.. I'm ready to meet my pretty girl!

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