after being in labor for almost 24 hours , my little guy is here 💙 it definitely was tough . I stayed dilated to a 7 for almost 9 freaking hours then they decided oh a c section , my little Prince was tilted & I couldn't dilate . every single pain contraction everything was definitely worth it , now I get to stare at my Prince forever 💙💙💙 BRYANT SMITH IV 5LBS 13OZ 19IN BORN AT 9:25. MY SWEET TINY BABY 💙💙💙💙💙💙 IM SO IN LOVE!!
Congratulations! I had my baby boy last Thursday, same thing happened to me. Was dilated to a 7, but baby wasn't dropping. Ended up having a C-section. If you have absolutely any questions about recovery, or anything, I'm here😊