Need some help! My LO is 14 days and I was producing about 5oz at a time breast feeding and now I'm only producing maybe 1 1/2 from both breasts combined... And my LO doesn't seem satisfied.. I am pumping and feeding every two hours but I can't even get 2oz out from both breasts together what can I do!?

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Just remember that the amount you pump isn't the same amount that comes out when baby is nursing. @mommyofmirclebaby
28.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
@arivera64, is right but don't forget to supplement with formula (if you are comfortable with that) if she isn't getting enough. That is what I do.
26.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
Increase water. Feed /pump more often. Mothers milk tea. Fenugreek. Oatmeal. Lactation cookies. Add milled flax seed to your cereal or oats. Dark beer. Leafy green veggies.
26.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
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